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It's me
Michael Augustin
was born in Lübeck, has lived in Ireland, Canada and the USA and was a culture editor at Radio Bremen for many years. He wrote and published poems and miniature texts as a schoolboy already. Several of his books for adults have been translated into other languages. For the past few years now he has also been writing poems for children with great pleasure. You can find these poems in his wonderful anthologies "Ein Nilpferd steckt im Leuchtturm fest" (=A Hippo Stuck in the Lighthouse"), "Sieben Ziegen fliegen durch die Nacht" (="Seven Goats Fly Through the Night) or "Dunkel war's der Mond schien helle" (="It was Dark, the Moon Shone Brightly", and of course in his three illustrated books of poems that have been published since 2021.
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